Please sign in or register to comment. Les investisseurs sont pris de lire attentivement lintgralit des Statuts et du DIC avant dinvestir. The severity and duration of the conflict and its impact on global economic and market conditions are impossible to predict, and as a result, could present material uncertainty and risk with respect to BEPIF and the performance of its investments and operations, and the ability of BEPIF to achieve its investment objectives. Rien ne garantit que les tendances dcrites dans le prsent document se poursuivent ou ne sinversent pas. Fund charges will be incurred in multiple currencies, meaning that payments may increase or decrease as a result of currency exchange fluctuations. Par exemple, les investissements immobiliers sont relativement illiquides. Impt franais sur la fortune immobilire. PitchBook helps you see a funds investments based on target industry, year and deal typeso you can quickly understand its strategy at a glance. Blackstone European Property Income Fund purchases Logistics Portfolio for 520,000,000, was recently Sold on 02-04-2022 for 520,000,000. By clicking accept, I confirm that the information provided on the prior page relating to my investor type and country of residence is accurate and I accept and acknowledge the important information above, together with the information available at the Legal and Transparency & Disclosure tabs of this website. There is no current public trading market for the shares, and Blackstone does not expect that such a market will ever develop. dfaut daccord sur les prsentes conditions gnrales, abstenez vous daccder, visiter ou utiliser le prsent site ou les informations qui y sont publies. Contact Information. 2022 PitchBook. The information on this website is only intended for investors who have at least CHF 500 000 of Net Assets and have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of BEPIF Feeder SICAV and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. Confidentiality: The information contained herein may not be reproduced or otherwise disseminated in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Blackstone. Register free for our breaking news email alerts with analysis and cutting edge commentary from our award winning team. The effect of leverage is that any losses will be magnified. Real Estate Investments. Par consquent, le rachat de parts par Blackstone Bepimmo sera probablement le seul moyen pour vous de disposer de vos parts. BEPIF may at times purchase properties alongside other Blackstone Real Estate funds. Real Estate Investments. Represents 1-year growth rate, from Q2 2021 to Q2 2022. Les autres risques incluent, entre autres : le risque dallocation, le risque de conflits dintrts, le risque de contrepartie, le risque li aux investissements trangers, le risque li une forte rotation du portefeuille, le risque de modle et de technologie, et le risque de volatilit. This investment involves a significant risk of capital loss and should only be made if an investor can afford the loss of its entire investment. ), please let me know if you see any issues, I'll fix asap! Investissements immobiliers. All Rights Reserved. A funds fees and expenses may offset or exceed its profits. BREP Europe VI has total capital commitments of 9.8 billion - the largest ever dedicated European Real Estate fund. The ongoing conflict and the rapidly evolving measures in response could be expected to have a negative impact on the economy and business activity globally (including in the countries in which BEPIF invests), and therefore could adversely affect the performance of BEPIFs investments. You should consult an authorised person specialising in advising on investments prior to making any investment. Blackstone does not provide investment advice. Theinformation on this website is only intended for investors who can commit at leastEUR 500 000 and have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to or whocommit at least 100 000 and either (a) the investor is making the commitment as a licensed portfolio manager on behalf of a non-professional investor or (b) the investors commitments in AIFs reserved to professional investors does not exceed 10% of the aggregate investors financial portfolio and the investor is making the commitment on the basis of investment advice from an entity licensed to provide investment advice, the investor having the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. This investment involves a significant risk of capital loss and should only be made if an investor can afford the loss of its entire investment. Learn More $319B Investor Capital Under Management $577B Ni les informations ni les opinions exprimes ne constituent une sollicitation par FundRock France AM pour lachat ou la vente de fonds, titres ou autres instruments financiers. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investors shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Si les rendements de ces investissements dpassent les cots demprunt, les rendements des investisseurs seront amliors. The fund had its first close and will continue to raise money monthly and in perpetuity, the firm said. Ce site est uniquement destin des fins de discussion avec les clients professionnels et les investisseurs qualifis et nest pas destin au grand public. Veuillez vous rfrer aux Statuts et au Document dInformation Cl (DIC) du Fonds avant de prendre toute dcision dinvestissement. An investment in the Fund should be considered a speculative investment that entails substantial risks; you may lose part or all of your investment or your investment may not perform as well as other similar investments. La responsabilit de FundRock France AM ( lAIFM ), ne peut tre engage que sur la base de dclarations contenues dans ce site internet qui seraient trompeuses, inexactes ou non cohrentes avec les parties correspondantes des Statuts du Fonds. There can be no assurance that any Blackstone fund or investment will achieve its objectives or avoid substantial losses. Fund charges will be incurred in multiple currencies, meaning that payments may increase or decrease as a result of currency exchange fluctuations. Opinions expressed reflect Blackstones view of the current market environment as of the date appearing in the relevant sections of this website only. Potential investors should pay particular attention to the risks described in the dedicated section of the Prospectus and Key Information Document (KID). Conflicts of Interest. Blackstone Group Inc. has raised 9.8 billion ($10.64 billion) for its latest and largest European real-estate fund, despite the economic upheaval created by the . Use of Leverage. Investisseur non professionnel : toute personne physique ou entit juridique dont la souscription initiale dans le Fonds est dau moins cent mille (100 000) euros. The Funds investments do and will consist primarily of real estate investments and real estate-related investments. The information in this website is, therefore, not available to persons located in your country of residence and/or to all categories of investors. The strategy has already invested in a UK logistics portfolio, which is fully leased on a long term basis. Lesdites informations nont pas pour finalit deffectuer directement ou indirectement dans quelque pays que ce soit un quelconque acte de dmarchage ou une quelconque offre de valeurs mobilires auprs de lutilisateur. There is no guarantee that such strategies and targets will be achieved and any particular investment may not meet the target criteria. The use of leverage also exposes the Fund to the risk of an increase in interest rates. PitchBook can help you gauge a funds performance based on IRR, cash flow multiples (DPI, RVPI and TVPI), distributions and more. The below charts are illustrative of the type of graphical data available to our clients and do not represent live data. Neither the site nor the materials herein constitutes a solicitation or offer by Blackstone or its affiliates (collectively, Blackstone) to buy or sell any securities of any kind or provide any investment advice or service. EUR 100 000 and are attesting that they have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. of 2021 on the Rulebook of Financial Activities and Mechanisms for Adjusting Positions (the . Ces informations, au-del des autres informations relatives au Fonds, sont contenues dans les Statuts et le Document dInformations Cls ( DIC ). Ce site est destin exclusivement aux personnes rsidant en France ou accdant au site depuis la France. Such themes are subject to change and there can be no assurance that any Blackstone fund will pursue any particular theme. Il nexiste actuellement aucun march public de ngociation pour les parts du Fonds, et Blackstone ne sattend pas ce quun tel march se dveloppe. Les Statuts en anglais sont disponibles titre informatif pour les investisseurs potentiels en France qui comprennent la langue anglaise et donnent leur consentement pour recevoir la documentation du Fonds (y compris, mais sans sy limiter, les Statuts) en anglais. The information on this site is current as of the publication date indicated. The attention of potential investors is drawn to the risks to which any investor is exposed by investing in the Fund. No Offer of Securities or Investment Advice: This site and the materials herein are presented for informational purposes only. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you. See Risk Factors of the prospectus for a detailed discussion of these and other risks applicable to the Fund. En tenant compte des informations relatives aux performances dinvestissement contenues sur ce site internet et dans les documents qui lui sont lis (les Documents ), le bnficiaire doit garder lesprit que les performances passes ne prjugent pas des rsultats futurs. At September 30, 2022, $1.2 billion was held in The strategy sits in Blackstones Private Wealth Solutions division, which was set up to work in partnership with financial advisers to provide eligible individual investors access to Blackstones funds. The above are examples of select investment themes that Blackstone currently pursues when making investment decisions. See Risk Factors of the prospectus for a detailed discussion of these and other risks applicable to the Fund. The company is registered at the Registre de commerce et des socits at the local court of Luxembourg with the legal form of Socit responsabilit limite (number B 256.480). An investment should only be considered by sophisticated investors who can afford to lose all or a substantial amount of their investment. Allocations cibles. A funds fees and expenses may offset or exceed its profits. Certaines informations contenues dans les Documents traitent de lactivit gnrale du march, des tendances industrielles ou sectorielles, ou dautres conditions conomiques, commerciales ou politiques gnrales, et ne doivent pas tre interprtes comme des recherches ou des conseils en investissement. The information on this website is only intended for investors who can commit at least EUR 100 000 and are attesting that they have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. Shareholders holding shares with a functional currency other than Euro acknowledge that they are exposed to fluctuations of the Euro foreign exchange rate and/or hedging costs, which may lead to variations on the amount to be distributed. Lexercice de ces droits par linvestisseur est strictement soumis aux termes et conditions prvus dans les Statuts, le bulletin de souscription et la rglementation desquels dcoulent ces droits. The information on this website is only intended for investors who have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. Cependant, il appartient toute personne intresse de vrifier pralablement auprs de son conseiller (ou ses conseillers) que son statut juridique et fiscal lui permet de souscrire aux produits et / ou aux services prsents sur ce site. Tendances. Droits des investisseurs et mcanismes de recours collectifs. Target Allocations. Trusts, funds and similar financial entities (NACE code: 64.30.2) Status: active. BIFM provides investment management functions including portfolio management, risk management, administration, marketing and related activities to its . La distribution de documents commerciale relative au Fonds et sa commercialisation est limite la France. We refer to BREIT, BPP an d . Les investisseurs potentiels sont invits se rfrer au les Statuts dans leur intgralit et le DIC et consulter leurs conseillers juridiques, fiscaux et financiers avant de prendre la dcision dinvestir. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investors shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. In addition, the Fund may be subject to more specific risks relating to inter alia the residential, commercial or the industrial real estate sectors. Les Documents contiennent une slection dimages de certains investissements fournies titre dillustration uniquement et elles peuvent ne pas tre reprsentatives de lensemble dun actif ou dun portefeuille ou de lensemble du portefeuille dun fonds. The information on this website is only intended for investors who can commit at least EUR 200 000 and have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. Lidentification et la ralisation dinvestissements attrayants sont une activit particulirement expose la concurrence et impliquent un degr dincertitude lev. Nous avons class ce produit dans la classe de risque 3 sur 7, qui est une classe de risque entre basse et moyenne. Shares redeemed within one year of the date of issuance will be redeemed at 95% of the applicable net asset value as of the redemption date, unless such deduction is waived by the Fund in its discretion, including without limitation in case of redemptions resulting from death, qualifying disability or divorce. Les risques en matire de durabilit sont valus travers les dcisions dinvestissement relatives au Fonds. There is no guarantee that such strategies and targets will be achieved and any particular investment may not meet the target criteria. If you do not agree with the terms of use, you should immediately cease use of the website and review of the materials. The information on this website is only intended for investors who can commit at least EUR 100 000and have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. En particulier, les investisseurs potentiels doivent prendre connaissance des termes et conditions propres la gestion du Fonds, et notamment : Lesdits termes et conditions sont stipuls dans les Statuts et dans le DIC du Fonds. The Funds concentration in the real estate sector may present more risks than if it were broadly diversified over numerous industries and sectors of the economy. Liquidit limite. Risk of Capital Loss and No Assurance of Investment Return. The prospectus and the Key information document (KID) contain this and other information about the Fund. The address is 11-13 BOULEVARD DE LA FOIRE, Luxembourg, LU-LU, L-1528, LU. Lacquisition de parts dans le Fonds comporte un niveau de risque lev et sadresse des investisseurs avertis pour lesquels un placement dans le Fonds ne reprsente pas un programme dinvestissement complet, et qui sont pleinement conscients et ont la capacit financire de supporter les risques dinvestissement dans le Fonds. Rien ne garantit que le Fonds atteigne ses objectifs ou ne subisse des pertes substantielles. Data may be used for the purposes of administration, transfer agency, statistical analysis, research and disclosure to Blackstone Alternative Investment Funds plc (the Company), its delegates, and agents. Risques associs linvestissement : Les investisseurs sont invits soigneusement examiner les objectifs dinvestissement, les risques, et les frais du Fonds avant dinvestir. Opinions expressed reflect Blackstones view of the current market environment as of the date appearing in the relevant sections of this website only. There is no current public trading market for the shares, and Blackstone does not expect that such a market will ever develop. The information on this website is only intended for investors who have at least CHF 500 000 of Net Assets and have the necessary knowledge and experience to understand the risks to which this product is subject to. Last modified: Jun 14, 2022. By selecting a country from the above list, you certify that you are resident in that country. The fund is located in New York, New York. Neither the site nor the materials herein constitutes a solicitation or offer by Blackstone or its affiliates (collectively, Blackstone) to buy or sell any securities of any kind or provide any investment advice or service. This and other risks applicable to the risk of an increase in interest rates DIC avant dinvestir specialising. 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